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AWS Tasks:

Managing Ec2 Instances, EIP, Network Interfaces, Security Groups & Key Pairs Managing EBS Volumes, AMI & Snapshots (Backup & Restore, Migration, etc.) Setup & Managing Elastic Load Balancers, ACM & Autoscaling Groups Setting & Managing Cloudwatch Alarms on metrics from Ec2, ELB & RDS Creating & Managing RDS Instances, RDS Snapshots, Updating Parameters Groups AWS CLI for any AWS Tasks

Cloud Migration using Lift & Shift Strategy on AWS, Services using

  • VPC, Ec2, S3, Application Load Balancer, Route53

  • IAM to give secure access to AWS account using MFA

  • Tightly controlled Security Group for firewall rules of EC2

  • EBS volume for storage on Ec2, Snapshot for Backups of EBS

  • Autoscaling for Automatic scaling of Ec2 instance based on CPU usage

  • Modernization on AWS Cloud, Services used

  • Beanstalk for PAAS for Tomcat Web App

  • RDS for MySQL Database

  • Object storage S3 to store and retrieve files

  • Route53 for Private & Public Hosted zones/Records

  • Amazon MQ for fully managed RabbitMQ

  • ElastiCache for in-memory datastore in cloud

  • Monitoring with CloudWatch, Grafana

  • Notification using SNS

AWS Cloud Automation using

  • Terraform
  • Ansible
  • CloudFormation (Stacks)


  • IAM management
  • Active Directory

Azure & Azure DevOps

  • Automated the provisioning of Azure resources (App Registration, Blob, Back-up Center, Cosmos DB, Key Vault, Azure VMs) using PowerShell and Templates.
  • Created a Build/Release pipeline with automated build and Continuous-Integration using Azure DevOps

Continuous Delivery of Java Web Application

  • CICD Pipeline using Jenkins, Git, Maven, Nexus, S3 & SonarQube

  • Deploying Artifact to Beanstack

  • Jenkins Pipeline As A Code for CICD

  • Website Automation through Jenkins whenever there is a GIT Commit

Configuration Management using Ansible

  • Ansible AdHoc commands to execute remote tasks
  • Ansible playbook for Service/Server Deployments
  • Ansible playbook to setup VPC & Bastion Host on AWS
  • Writing our own configuration file (ansible.cfg)
  • Ansible Roles for modular & reusable automation framework

Docker Containers

  • Building customized docker images using Dockerfile
  • Docker-compose to define & run MultiContainer Docker Application


Experience in Kubernetes and Helm for Container Orchestration

  • Creating production-grade Kubernetes clusters using Kops and Kubeadm.
  • Hosting containerized applications on Kubernetes clusters using Pods, Services, Replication Controllers, Deployments, Secrets, and ConfigMaps.
  • Implementing Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) to ensure application reliability and performance.
  • Utilizing Kubernetes Probes (liveness and readiness) for monitoring and maintaining application health.
  • Managing Kubernetes DaemonSets to ensure that a copy of a pod runs on all (or some) nodes in the cluster.
  • Using kubectl logs with labels and selectors for efficient log management and troubleshooting.
  • Integrating Metric Server for resource usage monitoring and scaling decisions.
  • Packaging Kubernetes applications as Helm charts for simplified deployment and version management.


  • Designing and Building a Static Website using MkDocs (The Current Website you're watching)