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Blue-Green Deployment

Blue-Green Deployment is a deployment strategy that involves maintaining two identical environments: a "blue" environment representing the current production version and a "green" environment representing the new version or update. The deployment process follows these steps:


  1. Initially, the blue environment is live and serving user traffic.

  2. The new version or update is deployed and tested in the green environment, which is isolated from the live production environment.

  3. The green environment undergoes thorough testing and validation to ensure that the new version functions as expected and meets quality standards.

  4. Once the green environment is deemed stable and ready, a traffic switch is performed, redirecting user traffic from the blue environment to the green environment.

  5. Now, the green environment becomes the live production environment, serving user traffic, while the blue environment is kept as a backup.

  6. If any issues arise in the green environment, a rollback can be quickly performed by switching the traffic back to the blue environment.

The key benefits of blue-green deployment are:

  1. Reduced downtime and risk: By maintaining separate environments, the switch between blue and green can be done seamlessly, minimizing downtime and reducing the risk of potential issues affecting users.

  2. Quick rollback: If any problems are encountered in the green environment, the switch can be reverted instantly by directing traffic back to the blue environment.

  3. Controlled release: Blue-green deployment allows for thorough testing and validation of the new version in a separate environment, ensuring that any issues are identified before impacting users.

  4. Easy rollbacks: In case of issues, the blue environment is readily available as a fallback option, providing a safety net for the production environment.


Overall, blue-green deployment provides a controlled and low-risk approach to deploying updates, promoting stability, availability, and fast recovery in case of failures.