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Release Notes 📚

As an individual content provider, I'm excited to share that you can discover the latest updates and changes right here in these release notes. I'm dedicated to improving and refining the content regularly to offer you the best learning experience possible. Keep an eye on this space for weekly updates and enhancements. Your commitment to learning is appreciated, and I look forward to continually enhancing our journey!

Feedback 🖋️

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Release Date: 09-10-2024 📅

New Content:

  • Mastering Terraform Import: Bringing Existing Infrastructure Under Terraform Control

Release Date: 30-03-2024 📅

New Content:

  • Boosting Efficiency: Simplifying Workflows with Reusable Pipeline Templates on Azure DevOps! 🛠️
  • GitHub Folder: Easy Azure DevOps Pipelines

Release Date: 01-03-2024 📅

New Content:

  • In this Helm repository, I have added Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) and Kubernetes probes to ensure high availability and improved reliability.

Updated Content:

  • EKS Configuration Revised with Extra Commands Included

Release Date: 09-02-2024 📅

New Content:

  • Helm Delve into the latest Helm features to enhance the efficiency of Kubernetes deployments, complete with a sample project to help you get started.

Release Date: 19-09-2023 📅

New Content:

  • Docker Compose files added for different scenarios with various examples. Explore these new additions to streamline your Docker container orchestration.

Updated Content:

  • Dive into the enhanced Docker experience with updated Docker commands and Docker files. We've included code-level comments and additional content to help you master Docker.

Release Date: 29-09-2023 📅

New Content:

  • We're excited to introduce a new addition to our knowledge base: Kubernetes Architecture Concepts. Dive deep into the inner workings of Kubernetes and gain a comprehensive understanding of its architecture.

Updated Content:

  • Our Kubernetes Introduction has been revamped with improved definitions and enriched examples. We believe this enhancement will provide you with a more insightful learning experience.

Release Date: 05-10-2023 📅

New Content:

  • Added a Simple guide on the Terraform Workspace concept on GitHub. Check it out to get a better understanding of how it works.

Updated Content:

  • Improved the Terraform and Docker files by adding titles for the code blocks, making it easier to find what you need.